Viktória B-Béres
Research fellow
Viktória is a research fellow at the Department of Tisza Research in the Centre for Ecological Research. She defended her Ph.D. in 2013 in topic of algal-cyanobacterial interaction with special regard to toxicity and allelopathy. In the last 5 years, her research focuses on structural and functional responses of benthic diatoms and soft algae to different types of disturbances in lotic and lentic ecosystems, and also on the use of algae in ecological status assessment. Nowadays, she pays special attention to benthic algal communities and extreme water regime relations in small temporary streams and also to enhance the knowledge about contribution of benthic algae living in intermittent watercourses to ecosystem services. She is an active member of the scientific community. As volunteer, she is the main organizer of the Forum of Phycologist since 2015. In 2019, she was invited to be one of the chair editors of the journal Fundamental and Applied Limnology.
Research topics
- Influence of climatic extremities on benthic algal communities
- Trait based studies of benthic algae, habitat – functional group relations
- Colonization of benthic algae – functional level changes
Selected publications
- Bácsiné Béres, V., Tóthmérész, B., Bácsi, I., Borics, G., Abonyi, A., Tapolczai, K., Rimet, F., Bouchez, Á., Várbíró, G. & Török, P. 2019. Autumn drought drives functional diversity of benthic diatom assemblages of continental intermittent streams. Advances in Water Resources 126: 129-136. [pdf]
- Kókai, Z., Borics, G., Bácsi, I., Lukács, Á., Tóthmérész, B., Csépes, E., Török, P. & B-Béres, V. 2019. Water usage and seasonality as primary drivers of benthic diatom assemblages in a lowland reservoir. Ecological Indicators 106. [pdf]
- Wang, C., B-Béres, V., Stenger-Kovács, C., Li, X. & Abonyi, A. 2018. Enhanced ecological indication based on combined planktic and benthic functional approaches in large river phytoplankton ecology. Hydrobiologia 818: 163-175. [pdf]
- Lukács, Á., Kókai, Z., Török, P., Bácsi, I., Borics, G., Várbíró, G., Krasznai, E., Tóthmérész, B. & Bácsiné Béres, V. 2018. Colonisation processes in benthic algal communities are well reflected by functional groups. Hydrobiologia 823: 231-245. [pdf]
- Bácsiné Béres, V., Török, P., Kókai, Z., Lukács, Á., Krasznai, E., Tóthmérész, B. & Bácsi, I. 2017. Ecological background of diatom functional groups: Comparability of classification systems. Ecological Indicators 82: 183-188. [pdf]